A brilliant exposé of poverty and politics in Britain today.
In 1937 George Orwell published The Road To Wigan Pier, an account of his famous ‘urban ride’ among the people and places of Great Depression. Fifty years later we are living through a second Great Depression, and this time the journey north has been made by women — like Orwell a journalist and a socialist, but, unlike him, working class and a feminist.
Wigan Pier Revisited is a devastating record of what Beatrix Campbell saw and heard in towns and cities ravaged by poverty and unemployment. She talks to young mothers on the dole, to miners and their families, to school leavers, battered wives, factory workers, redundant workers, discovers what work, home, family, politics and dignity mean for working-class people today.
Out of this comes her passionate plea for genuine socialism, one informed by feminism, drawing its strength from the grass roots and responding to people’s real needs.
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